Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Little Christmas Magic

As a parent I often give myself the parental all probably know what I am talking about. It is the quiz about am I raising my kids right? Am I giving them all the tools necessary for them to be good people when they grow up?

At this time of year it is really hard to keep kids grounded. Every time they turn on the TV there is another commercial with a new GREAT toy that every kid MUST have. Or maybe you are going to the mall to fight the mad rush of shoppers so that you can get the once a year picture with Santa. While sitting on Santa's lap all of the kids are supposed to give their wish list. Maybe they write their local paper the "Dear Santa" letter asking for all of the things that they want. It really is a little bit overwhelming.

This year my daughter is 6 and she doesn't have a list of stuff that she wants. YES, I am as bad as everyone else. I want to know all of my precious littleone's wants so that I can be sure that she is happy on Christmas morning opening all of her little hearts desires. I have asked her several times what she wants. She always replies that whatever Santa brings her, she will be happy with. She said that she really doesn't want anything except her family. For as amazing as I think that this is, I would like to share her comments to me tonight......

As I was watching one of my all time favorite movies (The of the best movies ever...) my little one came to tell me goodnight. I invited her to curl up next to me and watch the movie for a few minutes. She said yes and sat beside me on the couch. She glanced over to the Christmas tree and said "our tree is so pretty, I really love it. I think it would be pretty with out any decorations on it. What a beautiful tree. Mom, can you imagine that some people don't have a Christmas tree? Imagine this Mom, imagine our house with broken windows and broken boards for the walls. Can you feel the cold wind blowing on us mom? Imagine no blankets. We have pillows but we have to sleep on our dirt floor. " She then said "Imagine Mom that some people don't have food. Imagine that Mom, some people don't even get to have a Christmas dinner."

Then there was a long pause....

"Mom, I bet you know what I want for Christmas." I sat there quietly just looking at her and then she proceeded, "Mom, all I want for Christmas is for all of the people in the world that don't have good homes or food or blankets to have a warm place for their family. I want them all to have a home like ours. They don't have to have a Christmas tree, but if they have a warm home with a good Christmas dinner, that would be good."

I sat there feeling my emotion start to swell. I simply said "I agree honey, that would be nice. I wish for the same thing." She then told me that she was tired and went to bed.

To all of you I hope that you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY HOLIDAY!

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely raising your kids right! May you continue to show them the way with warmth and light. Merry Christmas!

    Elizabeth at A Wild Ride


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