Friday, May 30, 2008

The Morgan Project

As a parent of a special needs child I KNOW how expensive it is. We have had our share of medical equipment, medication, Doctors and is extremely exhausting. I am always looking for ways to help. In doing some research I ran across The Morgan Project. I haven't actually used them yet, mostly because I just found them, but this looks like an exception program. Even if you don't need the money or have a special needs child....this is a great program to donate to. The Morgan Project is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. If this GREAT cause can help even one special needs child or is worth passing along!
You can find out more about them by going to Here is a little bit about their "mission"~
"Working together to promote awareness and support of parents caring for their special-needs children, and to enhance the quality of life for these special families."
Our Mission is to provide support to parents/caregivers and act as a reference source for information, financial resources, used equipment exchanges, research and clinical studies, support groups, web links, etc. This will be done in the form of creating an interactive website, and monthly newsletters.
To try to consolidate, and then disseminate, all the available information tools available to caregivers, from sources such as the Internet, newsletters, parenting organizations, support groups, etc. There is a lot of information out there, but it takes so much time to search for it that most caregivers just don’t have the time to spare to look for needed assistance on their own. We would like to put together a newsletter that would be a source of information for parents/caregivers to help them help their children.
To make small individual grants (products & services only) to parents/caregivers of special children for travel expenses to attend medical conferences that they would not otherwise be able to afford to attend. No parent/caregiver, or their family for that matter, should have to “bleed” in order to give their child the opportunity to be evaluated by experts, and to seek the support of other families in the same situation.
To make small individual grants (products & services only) to parents/caregivers of special children, for things like positional seating, adaptive car seats, durable medical equipment not covered by Medicaid or Insurance, and other non-covered items that would make caring for these children easier on the parent/caregiver and help to improve their quality of life.
Our primary goal right now is to aggressively seek corporate sponsors, large donors and dedicated volunteers in order to become a viable organization, make valuable connections & tap resources in our community, and to continue to raise funds in order to provide the goals of The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Proud Mama

Today I attended my little ladies graduation from pre-school. Well actually it was from one class into another. I have to share the abundance of emotion that I have right now.

It is an AMAZING site watching the little people fight for every little accomplishment that they make. They NEVER give up and work harder for things that most take for granted. It is equally amazing how truly dedicated and caring the staff and teachers are at our school. I watched each student (about 25 or so) get special recognition for every accomplishment that they did. I have witnessed each of these kids grow, mostly because in the small world of special needs you meet everyone through early intervention. A lot of these kids have we have known for 2-4 years already. As I sat in my chair listening to all of the accomplishments, my mind can't help but to go over each little step that my lady has made. I teared up.

Then from across the room I heard my little lady call my name "MaMa". That makes my heart warm because she can't say many other words verbally but she can pick me out of a crowd and call my name. The pride that I have right now is beyond measure. I love my little pride and joy!

Sometimes I WISH the rest of the world would take a lesson from the world of special needs:

Cherish every accomplishment. Always do your best. Let go of the little thing that don't really matter and cheer on your neighbor. If you fall down get back up and try again. So what if you don't do it perfectly. Smile. Celebrate. Love. Laugh. Play. Listen. Sing.

Did you know?

Approximately one-sixth of your life is spent on Wednesdays.

Cherishing Mommy